Message from NCBA IP Section Chair Robert N. Crouse
News @ Myers Bigel
Bob Crouse, Chair of the IP section of the North Carolina Bar Association, offers the following message in the latest issue of the IP Links e-newsletter:
I encourage everyone to consider attending the CLE program of the IP Section’s annual meeting on April 9, 2010, at the Grandover Resort in Greensboro. This year’s program offers a wide variety of subject matter including licensing for pharmaceuticals, biotech, and open source/free software, patent exhaustion, and 112 issues. We will also feature a point/counterpoint discussion on patentable subject matter in view of Bilski v. Kappos as well as a presentation on developments in Trademark protection, and more. We are excited about providing this year’s CLE to the membership and hope that everyone can attend. See you on April 9th!